A humorous and satirical site curated by one Sir Charles N. George Sirtup IIIdiscoverer and translator of the original fly manuscript The Tale of Fecal the Fly and the Loyal Arse 

The Alternate Universe

FLYLAND creates a buzz at the Frankfurt Book Fair


Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 2.06.22 PM  FLYLAND on the shelf at the Frankfurt Book Fair

The hardworking team at FOREWARD Magazine emailed Mountain Top Publishing and asked if  Sir Charles would like them to represent the novel FLYLAND at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany.

Sir Charles pondered this request and decided it might well be time for FLYLAND to make an appearance at a major book fair and agreed.  A single copy  of FLYLAND was USPS’ed to FOREWARD Magazines’s office in Michigan, oddly enough the very state of Sir Charles’ birth, and from there was packed in with dozens of hundreds of other Indie Books and shipped to Frankfurt, Germany.   Thousands of people, ostensibly interested in books, or interested in the business of selling books, publishers, and a swarm of  industry insiders  were purported to have walked by the Foreward Magazine booth looking for particular books that caught their fancy.  Out of all these minions one, I repeat one, a literary agent from Brazil, noticed FLYLAND and made a brief inquiry.  Although it was only one inquiry it was monumental.  Sir Charles was very excited because as we all know there is a vast difference between one and none–although when I type the words out I see it is only one letter, the n that is different between one and none.  Something to think about at some point in time, no doubt, but not right now.  The fact that one person, even if only one, noticed the book is important for us.  The one inquiry gives the whole Frankfurt book fair some meaning whereas if no one had inquired about  the novel, FLYLAND would have maintained the absolute wall invisibility that has haunted the book from its moment of publishing.

So the buzz was and is that a literary agent from Brazil noticed the book sitting there on the rack!   A miracle perhaps, and a miracle with a destiny in that someday we maintain that FLYAND will be a well known novel and Fecal, the hero of the FLYLAND will be famous worldwide, and the name Fecal will enter the lexicon of universal names–one  that people use when them call out to their little fly friends.  The question before us is how will all that happen and when will that incredible journey start?   Sir Charles was asked to reach out to the Brazilian literary agent and not without some trepidation he did formulate and send a response.  Now we wait–and wonder–will the wall of invisibility continue?   Will the  absolute quite that surrounds the behemoth FLYLAND  resurrect itself in a nonresponse from the Brazilian literary agent?  Or may we hear a tiny return call from across the cosmos?  A small bone tossed  in the midst of the overwhelming rejection?

A  tiny crink in the armor of quiet?   A minuscule nod from a sea of frozen faces?

Tune in for more….if there ever is more…

photo credit:  Stacy at FOREWARD Magazine


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