A humorous and satirical site curated by one Sir Charles N. George Sirtup IIIdiscoverer and translator of the original fly manuscript The Tale of Fecal the Fly and the Loyal Arse 

The Alternate Universe

An Excerpt from the Sermon of the Great Fly–download your free copy today

The truth will enslave you, especially here on the earth mother.



Screen shot 2011-11-17 at 7.11.10 PM“The putridity of our world is ripened by our questionable faith…this foul oasis on which we have been spawned is rife with blight and disease!  Death, decomposition and trash proliferate…the malodorous feast invites us.  Yes, my flock…it grows…like luxurious black mold.  The mounds of garbage multiply while the iniquitous areas of pristine nature dwindle…there is no order in this world but the order of filth and swarm…the degradation and putrefaction of all things…there is no natural order…there is only the unnatural order of growing cancers and the luscious contamination of the toxic air and polluted water….hosa…hosa.”

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