A humorous and satirical site curated by one Sir Charles N. George Sirtup IIIdiscoverer and translator of the original fly manuscript The Tale of Fecal the Fly and the Loyal Arse 

The Alternate Universe


The World Heads Towards the FLYLAND Prophesy of the Flies

So as the story goes mankind winds up blowing itself to hell wit nuclear weapons.  We’ve never been so close.  You can see how stupid we are right now and the stars are lining up.  In North Korea you have the deranged psyco Kim Jung-Un and here in the states we have the incompetent  psyco Donald Trump.  Both of these guys don’t have the sense to leave well enough alone and they push the envelope of confrontation with weapons of mass destruction and each other to the brink.  Neither has enough respect for human… Continue reading

Was Stonewall Jackson fragged?

Hardass Stonewall Jackson was marching his men and horses for days and nights on end, demanding attacks on forces two and three times larger than his and the war was winding down.  A rebel zealot, he preferred to die rather than lose the wretched war to the north, but did his men all feel the same?  He and nine of his command were riding that all night, (once again) trying to scout an attack on the flank of a northern army.  The sky was pitch black and the underbrush was dense, Jackson refused to call it a… Continue reading

Trumpers believe in the (F)-lies–The essence of FLYLAND revealed in the Oval Office-

Quote from the Washington Post, “Trump’s demeaning of Priebus came through in other ways, too. At one point, during a meeting inthe Oval Office, a fly began buzzing overhead, distracting the president. As the fly continued to circle, Trump summoned his chief of staff and tasked him with killing the insect, according to someone familiar with the incident. (The West Wing has a regular fly problem.)” end quote.

Trump assigns Priebus to kill the fly as a demeaning humiliation because anything relating a human to a fly is seen as a humiliation!  Then, Trump… Continue reading

FLYLAND Prophecy of the Usurpers validated by the election of Trump!

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The elevation of Trump to the American presidency, the usurping of the most powerful office on earth from the clutches of the democratic and republican party is playing out like scenes from the apocalyptic novel FLYLAND.  In the book the fly establishment, represented by The Great Fly and his legacy of fools, stand by helplessly while Boil and his cronies, Runt and Scut, steal the reigns of power from elite in FLYLAND through character assassination and contempt for the status quo.   The lessor flies in FLYLAND rally to the ugly and thrive in the smallest forms of mental… Continue reading

The World Continues To Move Toward Flyland Without Knowing It.


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Daryl Cagle @ Cagle cartoons has added a new cartoonist to his site, Alan Lauzxn, and Daryl printed a few selected examples of the new cartoonist’s cartoons as examples of his work.  One of the cartoon appears to be a garbage dump of corporate logos and a second cartoon is a take off on the Statue of Liberty with a pile of merde surrounded by flies instead of a brilliant light in the raised hand of our lady of liberty.  Both cartoons reflect basic themes explored in FLYLAND and indicates to me that at least… Continue reading

Three of a Kind: Papa Karamazov, Bill Clinton, and The Great Fly

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Papa Karamazov, the old buffoon, who never suffers for his indiscretions and leaves the world a much lesser place.  His insensitivity to his family, his unflattering insights, and his overriding dark and unrestrained libido all make him an iconic a-hole who can only be relied on to create a scene and take advantage of any situation or weakness in his adversaries and victims.  Bill Clinton, a politician of incredible dexterity and mostly made of teflon is the ultimate winner!  No matter what he does to the contrary he will eventually land on his feet like… Continue reading

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